Wednesday 4 April 2007

Work is a three ring circus. One imagined by Roger Corman, admittedly, but a circus nonetheless. Still, only one more day to the long weekend. Then a very short week and a five-day break for me after that. Oh, and there's ANZAC Day on following Wednesday. But who's counting?*

I don't have much planned over the weekend. The first thing to do is to buy up big on Easter Bilbies. The second thing is to eat them. The third is to finish off a towering pile of overdue paperwork that is so thick and old it's turned to coal at the base. And the fourth is to nip up to Castlemaine on Monday to see my artist friend Rhyll. It's not a particularly ambitious plan but it's achievable.

* Me. I'm counting. That's only another 35 working days until the end of semester one.