Friday 22 June 2012

Little brown birds

Not all rainforest birds are filed in the guide under the heading 'bleedin' obvious'. More than a few of them are in that other well-thumbed section marked called 'little brown birds'.

This little brown bird is a scrubwren. I think it's an Atherton scrubwren (Sericornis keri), although it might be a large-billed scrubwren (S. magnirostris). Both species are common in this block of rainforest, along with the much-easier-to-identify yellow-throated scrubwren (S. citreogularis) and brown gerygone (Gerygone mouki). Atherton scrubwrens are endemic to the Wet Tropics; the other species are widespread along the east coast.

Scrubwrens are industrious birds, spending their days inspecting every leaf along the forest edge for tasty insects. (This one has found a treasure trove of aphids.) Between their activities and those of the Lewin's honeyeaters, which come into the living room to pluck spiders out of the window frames, my house and garden should be gleaming and tidy. I can't imagine what's gone wrong.