Saturday 4 January 2014

The Peripatetic Frog

First there was one green tree frog (Litoria caerulea), which slept in the laundry sink by day and paddled in the loo bowl at night. That one was joined by a second frog, which didn't much like the loo bowl, but did enjoy the kitchen sink. Eventually, the second frog decided to move out. The first frog remained in the laundry, foraging at night, pooing on the floor and knocking things over, because green tree frogs are clumsy and have no decorum.

The laundry frog left home a few weeks back. She was looking a bit scrawny — not quite skin and bones, but not the rotund shape common in green tree frogs. When she returned a couple of nights ago, she looked like this.

She's either full of insects, full of eggs or both. I've now given her a big bucket of water to paddle in. It's not quite as good as the loo, but at least she doesn't have to share it.