My slide scanner arrived today, so I'm trying it out. Here are a couple of photos from my garden. (I've cheated a bit. I took them last year.)
Acacia acinacea, the gold dust wattle, flowers in late winter. At the moment, the two in my front garden are covered in buds and the first few blossoms have appeared. Soon, they'll be glowing so brightly I can spot them from the end of the street.
Hakea laurina, the pincushion hakea, flowers in late autumn. Unlike
A. acinacea, this species is not native to Victoria. It occurs in SW Western Australia, where it thrives on a variety of soils.
I have a real soft spot for hakeas. (And Casuarinaceae. And
Lasiopetalum. And
Kennedia. And ... the list goes on.) I really need to move to a bigger block so I can indulge this interest!