Wherever there's one Subulina, there's bound to be more. They aggregate under rotting logs and drifts of leaf litter. This clustering behaviour seems to be encouraged by chemical cues in the mucus. It's not clear whether they do this to conserve moisture or gain protection from predators. Or maybe they just do it for the company.
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D'Avila, S., Dias, R.J.P. & Bessa, E.C.D. (2006). Aggregative behaviour in Subulina octona (Bruguiere) (Mollusca, Subulinidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 23(2): 357–363.
Solem, A. (1988). Non-camaenid land snails of the Kimberley and Northern Territory, Australia. I. Systematics, affinities and ranges. Invertebrate Taxonomy 2(4): 455–604.