Exams marked?
My exams, anyway. Two sets remain but they'll be marked by sessional lecturers. (Some subjects are taught entirely by sessional staff. I co-ordinate, moderate and occasionally agitate but otherwise don't deal with the imparting of knowledge in those subjects.) I've collated the results so now I can see the gaps—who hasn't handed in which piece of assessment. All that's left to do is find out why.
I suspect some students play a numbers game. The on-course assessment is worth a measly 40% of the final mark, so if I ignore that and blitz the exam ...
If only.
The lowest final mark was 6%, which must have taken a special effort. The highest was 92%. What a spread.
But it's not over yet. Special considerations, special exams, supplementary exams, student progress committees ... It goes on and on.