Sunday 18 March 2007

Humphrey the icon

What a funny old fellow is Humphrey,
He gets in all manner of strife ...

Bear by name, almost bare by nature, Humphrey is an Australian institution. He's been on television since 1965, saying nothing, just wandering around in his waistcoat, tie and boater (no pants) and gardening without sharp implements. Just like real bears.

Anyhoo ...

On Friday, I drove past a medical centre that has an image of Humphrey in its window. It's next to a picture of the Bananas in Pyjamas in the children's section of the waiting room.

But it's not the usual portrait of our Humphrey B. Bear ... The funny old fellow is standing with his feet together and his arms outstretched. His head is slightly angled and the little yellow boater rests on top. Perhaps he's about to hug a small child. Maybe he's pressed up against the window, trying to get out. Or ... You make up your own mind.

(I had to take this photo today when the centre was closed. I didn't think people would be at all amused by my posting a picture of a full waiting room. Unfortunately, that meant a reflection of the town houses and 7-11 across the road. But you get the idea.)