Semester. Finished.
Marking. Fin ... Still going.
Oh, well, two out of three's not bad.
I'm off work from 1 to 6 November. I'm still trying to decide where to go, but I think I might visit Portland (far SW of Victoria) for a couple of days and then Mildura (far NW of Victoria). Or the Great Ocean Road. Or somewhere else. Anywhere, really.

I'm in Broome waiting for a helicopter. Can I call you?
* While I was stuck in a bloody pointless 'training' session. Selection officer stuff. Would have been a bit better had the database functioned properly. Only a bit, though, because we weren't told what we do with on-line applications once we read them. There doesn't seem to be a mechanism for accepting them on-line, so — presumably — we print them off and send them to Student Admin with 'accepted' written on them. Which makes me wonder why we have the system at all, especially as all the applications have to be accompanied by hard copies of ... oh, I give up.