Monday, 6 February 2012

Jottings from the Tropics: 6 February 2012

The tree kangaroos are being secretive. I know they are around because the leaves are rustling — as in shaking, not as in stealing cattle — and I catch glimpses of bell rope tails as the roos move along branches. Although it is great to see them, especially when they hop up to the house or climb in the garden, I am happy just to know they are here.

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Little Poss licked my hand yesterday. The last marsupial to do that was a pademelon, who followed it up with an exploratory bite. Even a gentle nibble from those incisors can hurt. That’s when I confirmed that a) paddies locate food by scent and b) the smell of oranges is stronger than the smell of humans. If Little Poss returns tomorrow with pepper and sage, I’m bolting the door.

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This afternoon I engaged in a surgical strike on the column of stinging tree saplings marching up the driveway. I scalded my foot while pouring boiling water over them, but it was still not as painful as brushing against a leaf. I have one more to deal with, but that can wait until tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t call in reinforcements overnight.

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I probably need to get out more.