The good news is that the rainbow lorikeets have found the golden penda. The even better news is that only a few of them have found it, so the tree closest to the office window isn't covered in a shrieking, frantic, multi-coloured mass all day.
It has been raining intermittently, which many of us are hoping indicates the (horribly delayed) start of the monsoon. But we've been down this path before. If it keeps going like this for a month, I might accept that the monsoon has finally arrived. Until then, it's just a bit of precipitation.
The lorikeets don't seem to be put off by the rain and will take advantage of a light shower.
And the juveniles don't much care for anything except a free meal. This youngster climbed over and through huge clusters of penda flowers to cadge some nosh from a parent.
And appeared to be quite miffed when left to fend for itself.
When it begs, that one youngster is almost as loud as a whole flock of lorikeets. No wonder its parents scarper at the first opportunity.