Saturday, 5 October 2013

Jottings from the Tropics: 5 October 2013

There was a flower-wasp on the window, so I did what any normal person would do — I photographed it. The wasp kept getting tangled in a black house spider's web, which meant it had to pause to clean off the mess. After the flash had gone off a few times and the threads had repeatedly stuck to its feet, the wasp got agitated. The final straw was the big metal ruler that I slid alongside it to measure the insect's size. I ran away then because warning coloration means something in this house.

The wasp was about 37 mm long.

Hairy flower-wasp (Scoliidae)

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The bush stone-curlew clan has increased to a dozen. They lounge around the garden by day and stalk insects by night. Individually, they have the stateliness and self-confidence of a crane. At dusk they run around in groups making wittering noises like guinea fowl. They have also taken to sitting in the driveway and shifting at the last minute. I hope they don't try that in the road.

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The willie wagtails are on the nest. I did not know they can lay up to four successive clutches in a season. The wagtails and I might have to work out a compromise over use of the shed.