Monday, 1 September 2014

Jottings from the Tropics: 1 September 2014

It's been months.

I could scroll down and check just how many months have elapsed since I last posted*, but I'm embarrassed about my neglect of this blog. Let's just say 'posts were not posted' and move on.

Anyway, how have you been? You're looking well. No, that's enough. Back to me.

Surprisingly little has happened since whenever it was**. It rained a lot. Then it stopped raining. Then it started raining again. And now it's clear and sunny, mild by day and freezing at night***.

I get visitors every now and then.

First there was this one.

Nap time in the hall

Then this one.

It's a box turkey

And mice of various types, but they don't like having their photos taken. They must be up to something.

Assuming that the 'something' isn't nefarious, I'll be posting more often. If I don't post more often, send a mousetrap and cheese.

Stand by.

* I looked. Six months.

** Six months. 

*** Literally. Altitude beats latitude****.

**** On a couple of nights. Mostly it's not freezing.