... to keep you amused (or similar). I'll write about this place when I get back into the blog. (With luck and/or good management, I'll be able to make enough time in a day or two to write interesting stuff, not these half-arsed pieces I'm doing now.)
So, do you want to have a guess? It's in the tropics. And, yep, those are she-oaks. That'll narrow it down. Not.

Although that first picture doesn't give much away, you can see from this one that it's an island. (Well, you can't. All you can see is that it has a beach. But trust me. It
is an island. Actually, it's a group of islands.) (
Damn! I should have thought this out before I posted it.)

And at least one of this group of islands has a well-developed forest with figs and other trees seeded from bird and bat shit.
Oh, and it starred in a movie with a geographically-challenged title.