Melbourne has mangroves. They're not very big. In fact, they're pretty bloody small. But we have them and they're accessible at a spot close to the city.

Back to those mangroves. They're Avicennia marina, the white mangrove, a tough bugger that manages to survive close to industrial areas. An oil spill in the 1980s destroyed the original population. These have been replanted from seedlings collected on the Barwon River.
Despite the small size of both the park and the mangroves, the backwash attracts a variety of wading birds including royal spoonbills and egrets. Silver gulls and white ibis are ubiquitous.

(For people who don't know Melbourne, that bridge in the first picture is not the Westgate. We're not quite that backward down under. The Westgate is the big-arse bridge you can see in the first link.)