After a night of interrupted sleep, I had a couple of dreams in which I was given 'news'. (Not real news, obviously. I'm not a believer in prophetic dreams.) What entertained me were the differing ways in which I received this news within the dream.
The first one I accepted with equanimity. Apparently, I'd won first prize in the lottery—about $2,000,000. I guess the whole point of entering games of chance is to win, so why make a fuss if your numbers come up? That's how I rationalised it, anyway.
But my response to the second dream was quite different. I was absolutely appalled and outraged that we had no slide-mounted specimens of Hymenolepis diminuta cysticercoids. How could we not have them in the laboratory? Think of the humanity.
I understand why I was dreaming about the lottery but ... tapeworms? I haven't lectured on tapeworms for a couple of years. I mean ... really. I seriously need to get out more.