The Callide B Power Station dominates the view from the road into Biloela. Having seen it as I came into town from the west, I drove out east along the Gladstone road to check it out. It generates electricity from coal mined at the adjacent Callide open cut. There are guided tours in the afternoons but I won't be around to take one, unfortunately. In lieu of a tour of the power station, I ambled around the dam.

Among the trees along the banks of the dam are a couple of species of Brachychiton. I'd seen isolated bottle trees (Brachychiton rupestris) in paddocks along the northern stretch of the Leichhardt Highway but this was the first one up close.

(BTW, I am disappointed that no one has asked me why I'm taking photos of a power station. No one has ever been in the slightest bit interested when I've snapped pictures of bridges, either. See, those fridge magnets were a complete waste of money.)