Never let it be said that I am uncoordinated. I have managed to sprain my left wrist, hurt my right knee and tread on something so sharp that it went through the sole of my shoe into my foot all in the same morning. I feel that level of organisation is something in which I can take pride. Also, ouch.
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There's a coppery brushtail possum in the macadamia tree. During the day, he sleeps in the fork where several branches spread out from the trunk. Unlike the green ringtail, which lives at the bottom of the garden near the creek, the brushtail is not a tidy sleeper. The ringtail curls up like a furry football and stays in that position for hours; the brushtail fidgets and scratches and turns around. In the hot weather, he sprawls, his little pink feet sticking out to catch what faint breeze there is. Every time I think it would be fun to tickle those little pink feet, I look at the large white claws and reconsider. After all, I am quite attached to my hands and would like them to remain attached to me.
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