Sunday, 18 March 2007

As usual, I printed off a whole stack on the latest articles on the topic du jour (endosymbiosis*) and haven't had a chance to read them this weekend. In fact, I don't seem to have achieved anything since Friday**. Possibly not since the Friday before. (I don't suppose cooking a very fine okra curry counts.)

And, as usual, I'm finishing off some paperwork for tomorrow. Haven't written anything for a while. I once watched an interview with Christopher Koch (Year of Living Dangerously, The Doubleman and others) in which he stated that it's impossible to write and work full time. After resisting the idea for years, I'm beginning to think he might be right.

* We've got some students working on this at the moment. There was a battle for their hearts and minds between the endosymbiosis faction and the saving babies faction. In the end, the split was pretty much even, with a maverick breaking away to study yeast.

** While I failed to do things in Melbourne, elsewhere in the city people were racing fast cars and having swimming contests. There might have been some footy too. And cycling in Geelong. It's just me.