Sunday 9 December 2007

Prints preview

I ignored the pile of work on my desk and caught up with some friends today. We drove to Castlemaine in central Victoria to have lunch with Rhyll Plant and view her latest exhibition at the Falkner Gallery in Templeton Street. The works on display are part of her collective nouns series.

Rhyll prints from woodblocks. Because she's a biological illustrator, her work is not only beautiful to look at, it's also accurate. And it's full of puns.

I was immediately drawn to the molluscs, of course. The slugs in this work are the introduced veronicellids, Laevicaulis alte, which are common along the eastern and northern coasts.

A gross of slugs
12 x 12 in silvery slime

Rhyll carves the designs onto rounds of wood, which are not always perfect. What happens if there's a great big hole in the piece that appeals?

A tangle of hares

The exhibition runs until 27 January. The Falkner Gallery is open Thurs – Sun, 11 am – 5 pm.