With the heat comes bushfires. Some of those burning in South Gippsland were deliberately lit last week by an arsonist, whereas the others appear to have been started by lightning strikes. The Delburn Complex fires have already destroyed more than two dozen houses. Fortunately, no one has been killed. Once again, I'm endlessly impressed by everyone fighting these fires, especially the Country Fire Authority.
The consequences of the heatwave have been rather trivial at my place. I went troppo*, the kitchen filled with heat affected earwigs and many of the garden plants cooked to a crisp. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll survive. All we need now is some rain. Tony, can you send us some?
Fronds of a cabbage palm (Livistona australis) dried by the sun
Even the kurrajong (Brachychiton discolor) couldn't resist the heat.
* So what exactly is odd about suggesting that a hollowed out watermelon would make a useful hat for keeping your head cool? When the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.